Treasures of Truth

The Timeless Treasures of George R Hawtin, 1909-1994

"And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”

Romans 10:15

** Please Note that I am well aware of the accusations brought against Mr. Hawtin concerning his “superior race” theory, as well as his affiliation with William Branham, and white supremacy leader Raymond “Junior” Jackson. While I do not condone such theories or beliefs, I have included his work on this site because I am persuaded that the effectual benefits of his writings drastically outweigh any weaknesses Mr. Hawtin may have had regarding this particular area of Bible study.

The following is a short excerpt from: Repentance Toward God & Faith Toward Jesus Christ - Volume 17, Chapter 3

Printable PDF: Treasures of Truth

“One of the saddest passages in the Bible and yet one that proffers great hope is found in Revelation 3:20. The setting is at the end of our age; the words spoken to the church at Laodicea, a people rich and increased in goods, and so satisfied in themselves that they had need of nothing. They are fundamentalists. They believe in justification by faith. They speak of the baptism of the Spirit. They believe in divine healing. They believe the Lord will come and rapture them. Yes, they know the doctrines and have studied them for years. They have great missionary programs. They put on revivals. They have programs for the poor. They are rich, increased in goods, and have need of nothing. That is, at least, man's estimation of the situation, and it is hard, if not impossible, to convince the carnal mind of his need.

Nothing is worse than a self-satisfied Christian. Better it would be to be an out and out sinner than a carnal, self-satisfied Christian. Even publicans and harlots will repent and enter the kingdom before him. But what does God say of Laodicea? "Thou knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked." How dreadful a predicament to be wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked and know it not, and, worse still, to imagine oneself to have need of nothing! Yet this is the case with millions in our day. The most pitiful thing of all, however, is this: Christ, who should be enthroned in their hearts, is in reality standing outside the door! He is not within at all! While they loudly sing, "He lives within my heart," the truth is that other things have crept into their hearts and, with their permission, have pushed Him outside and left Him standing there.

The Lord no longer finds a place within the precincts of this self-satisfied Laodicean church system with all its denominations and sects, its false prophets and false christs. He has turned away from it completely to seek those blessed virgin spirits who will open the door and let Him in. Over the wide world today Christ is coming to individuals. You will not often find Him among the crowds. You will find Him communing with some Mary and Martha, or perhaps you will find Him opening the scriptures to disappointed and heart-broken men as they wearily plod to their Emmaus. Lo, He calls, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear My voice and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with Me." Here, oh saint of God, is a promise of everlasting importance, given not to crowds or multitudes, not to churches or assemblies or conventions, but to individuals, to men and women who have grown weary of formality, tired of hypocrisy, disgusted with church ways, sick of conventions and the artificiality of revivals and the wearisome assembling’s.

Their hearts are longing for reality. Their minds demand to know Him by whom and through whom all things exist. They desire to hear the words of His lips and feel their hearts burn within them as He unfolds His eternal purposes. No man can love Christ because some preacher has told him he should. To love Christ you must see Him as He is, and when you hear Him speak, you will say, "Never man spake like this man." When you see Him as He is, you will love Him as all the virgins do, for from Him everything comes, by Him everything exists, and in Him everything ends. Glory to Christ forever and evermore! The moment we see Him, we instinctively know that we belong to Him and that all our hope of eternal fullness dwells in Him.

It is unto you who long to know the Christ separate and apart from the soul-possessing demands of insipid church systems and groups that He now comes in goodness and mercy. He who has been turned away from the door of Laodicea, that poverty-stricken church system that possesses everything but Christ, now comes to stand at the heart door of needy individuals such as you and I whose hearts long, not for riches, but for reality; not for ceremony, but for sincerity; not for religion, but for righteousness; not for Christology, but for Christ.

It is to you, my disconsolate brother that He now comes. It is to you, my burdened sister that He now calls. Even now, as you sit in distressed contemplation because of the abounding corruption around you and the obnoxious lukewarmness that you would gladly spue from your mouth, the Son of God has come to visit you and offer Himself as the eternal satisfaction for your deepest heart longing. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock," He says. Ah, so that is the voice I hear so clearly! The disturbance, the turmoil, the discontent, and the dissatisfaction within my soul was not of my making after all! It was the hand of Christ knocking at the door, telling me that, though my life was filled with the riches of Laodicea, the King of kings and Lords of lords was not enthroned in my heart. The disturbance and lack of assurance you feel within your spirit is in reality His voice, warning you that all is wrong with the system, with Laodicea and Babylon, and all who remain in them will be spued from the very mouth of God and become partaker of Babylon's plagues.

Do I not speak the truth when I say that modern Christians have forgotten that Christianity is their business, that Christ is their Lord, their owner, their redeemer, their possessor, that they do not belong to this age nor to any of the things in it, but to Him who is before all things and by whom all things consist? Christ, BY whom are all things and FOR whom are all things, has become a sort of handy convenience to millions of Christians, someone to save them when life is over, someone to heal them when they are sick from living after the flesh, someone to call upon when finances go wrong, someone to pray to when relations go astray. I fear that as Rachel hid her father’s gods among the camel’s furniture, so Christians have buried Christ among the accumulation of junk and rubbish they have dragged into the temple, which they ARE! “My house”, saith God, “shall be a house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves!

For me, to live is Christ! For me, to die is Christ! My business is Christ! I belong to no sect, no denomination. I am not denominational. I am not undenominational. I am not interdenominational. If anything, I am anti-denominational, anti-sectarian, anti-EVERY CONCEIVABLE THING that would try to possess me, or own me, or direct me, or in any way hinder me from being completely His in Spirit, Soul and Body! Where the Spirit of God is, THERE is the True Church! Everything we lost in Adam we find and gain in Jesus Christ. So may God, who has separated us from the community of the ungodly, unite us forever with those who are wholly consecrated to Him, and Him only!”

And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us,

while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the scriptures?”

The articles on this website are made available at no cost.  God’s way is, “. . .Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8). As members of Christ’s Body, we do not have anything to sell, nor do we rely on donations.  We trust God to lay it upon the hearts of those He chooses to provide the means for publishing these studies.  God bless!