
When we stand before the Throne of Heaven, what will be our individual testimonies to our Lord and Savior? Will it be the supreme authority of religious tradition? or, will it be the supreme authority of God’s Word? For those of us in the body of Christ who hold to the supreme authority of the Scriptures, there is no intent to create traditions or stories, but to be worthy of the Divinely inspired story already written.

Therefore, it is the mission of Kingdom Promise 1335 to boldly proclaim the unadulterated Word of Christ Jesus, so that the Sword of His Mouth and the Power of His Blood may prevail over the Spirit of Antichrist in the Earth, both today and forevermore!

May Our Mighty God come speedily with His coal of fire from off the Holy Altar of Eternal Truth and forever sanctify our speech!

Julie Hogan

Wilmington, NC (USA)
