Fibonacci 60-Digit Repeat Cycle: Part I

The LaGrangian Ring

Several years ago, while reading an article on the Fibonacci 60-digit repeat cycle written by John Elias of, I came across the following diagram based on the original work of an 18th century French mathematician named Joseph-Louis LaGrange (1736-1813). Two centuries later, a member of the math community known as Lucien Khan would place the 60-digit repeat cycle onto three circles and begin counting.

Eventually, this same cycle would be placed on the face of a clock.

While studying this image recently, one of the first things I noticed was the zeroes and fives that make up the hands on the clock. I then noted the four-digit segments between the zeroes and fives and decided to add them up. Incredibly, the sum of these digits totaled 66660 when adding them both clockwise (time), and counter-clockwise (anti-time).


1123 + 8314 + 9437 + 7741 + 6178 + 3819 + 9987 + 2796 + 1673 + 3369 + 4932 + 7291 = 66660


1927 + 2394 + 9633 + 3761 + 6972 + 7899 + 9183 + 8716 + 1477 + 7349 + 4138 + 3211 = 66660

The speed of the earth around the sun is approximately 66,660 miles per hour! Amazed by this discovery, I sent my findings to John who then found that this exact same pattern repeated itself with the first digits in each segment summing to 60, the first two digits summing to 660, and the first three summing to 6660.

1 + 8 + 9 + 7 + 6 + 3 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 7 = 60

1 + 2 + 9 + 3 + 6 + 7 + 9 + 8 + 1 + 7 + 4 + 3 = 60

11 + 83 + 94 + 77 + 61 + 38 + 99 + 27 + 16 + 33 + 49 + 72 = 660

19 + 23 + 96 + 37 + 69 + 78 + 91 + 87 + 14 + 73 + 41 + 32 = 660

112 + 831 + 943 + 774 + 617 + 381 + 998 + 279 + 167 + 336 + 493 + 729 = 6660

192 + 239 + 963 + 376 + 697 + 789 + 918 + 871 + 147 + 734 + 413 + 321 = 6660

And whosoever shall fall on this stone (Jesus) shall be broken:

but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.”

Καὶ ὁ πεσὼν ἐπὶ τὸν λίθον τοῦτον συνθλασθήσεται· ἐφ᾽ ὃν δ᾽ ἂν πέσῃ λικμήσει αὐτόν

Matthew 21:44

In the Hebrew and Greek languages, there are no numerals. Because of this,

the letters themselves represent a numbering system. This system is called Gematria.

Matthew 21:44 has a Gematria (isopsephy) value of 6660.

When it comes to the first five digits, John pointed out in his Logos Report that the sum falls short because of the zeroes. However, if we replace the zeroes with fives (+20), the sum would be 666660 both clockwise and counter-clockwise!

11235 + 83145 + 94370 + 77415 + 61785 + 38190 + 99875 + 27965 + 16730 + 33695 + 49325 + 72910 = 666640

19275 + 23945 + 96330 + 37615 + 69725 + 78990 + 91835 + 87165 + 14770 + 73495 + 41385 + 32110 = 666640

11235 + 83145 + 94375 + 77415 + 61785 + 38195 + 99875 + 27965 + 16735 + 33695 + 49325 + 72915 = 666660

19275 + 23945 + 96335 + 37615 + 69725 + 78995 + 91835 + 87165 + 14775 + 73495 + 41385 + 32115 = 666660

John also found that if we skip the fives & zeroes and add together the first 8 and 12 digits, we find a very similar pattern.

11238314 + 94377741 + 61783819 + 99872796 + 16733369 + 49327291 = 333333330

19272394 + 96333761 + 69727899 + 91838716 + 14777349 + 41383211 = 333333330

112383149437 + 774161783819 + 998727961673 + 336949327291 = 2222222222220

192723949633 + 376169727899 + 918387161477 + 734941383211 = 2222222222220

Dividing the results, I found this. . .

2222222222220 / 333333330 = 6666.66….

I then discovered that the ten-digit sums produced a similar pattern when starting from the top of the clock and keeping both the zeroes and fives. . .

1123583145 + 9437077415 + 6178538190 + 9987527965 + 1673033695 + 4932572910 = 33332333320

1972523945 + 9633037615 + 6972578990 + 9183587165 + 1477073495 + 4138532110 = 33332333320

As far as the six and seven-digit sums, they wouldn’t work by starting from the top of the clock, so I decided to start with the 9 found at the 31-minute mark going clockwise. When omitting both the zeroes and fives I found this worked for the six-digit sum, but for the seven-digit sum I had to start from the 9 found at the 29-minute mark going counter-clockwise while omitting the zeroes only.

998727 + 961673 + 336949 + 327291 + 112383 + 149437 + 774161 + 783819 = 4444440

918387 + 161477 + 734941 + 383211 + 192723 + 949633 + 376169 + 727899 = 4444440

9987527 + 9651673 + 3369549 + 3257291 + 1123583 + 1459437 + 7741561 + 7853819 = 44444440

9183587 + 1651477 + 7349541 + 3853211 + 1927523 + 9459633 + 3761569 + 7257899 = 44444440

Lastly, the final 24-digit sum was found by adding one-half of the LaGrangian ring to the other without the 5's and 0's. The total comes to 1 septillion, 111 sextillion, 111 quintillion, 111 quadrillion, 111 trillion, 111 billion, 111 million, 111 thousand and 110!!

112383149437774161783819 + 99872796673336949327291 = 1111111111111111111111110

192723949633376169727899 + 918387161477734941383211 = 1111111111111111111111110

Astronomers estimate that the universe contains approximately 100 to 400 billion stars.  Other estimates range from 70 billion up to one septillion stars.  What if the real number of stars was more precise than that. . .say. . .1,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,110?

But that’s not all!

Positive Factors of 66660:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 22, 30, 33, 44, 55, 60, 66, 101, 110, 132, 165, 202, 220, 303, 330, 404, 505, 606, 660, 1010, 1111, 1212, 1515, 2020, 2222, 3030, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6060, 6666, 11110, 13332, 16665, 22220, 33330, and 66660

Negative Factors of 66660:

-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -10, -11, -12, -15, -20, -22, -30, -33, -44, -55, -60, -66, -101, -110, -132, -165, -202, -220, -303, -330, -404, -505, -606, -660, -1010, -1111, -1212, -1515, -2020, -2222, -3030, -3333, -4444, -5555, -6060, -6666, -11110, -13332, -16665, -22220, -33330, and -66660

There are a total of 48 positive and 48 negative factors for 66660. If we look at the number of times each digit appears in the cycle, we see this pattern emerge:

0 = 4 1 = 8

2 = 4 3 = 8

4 = 4 5 = 8

6 = 4 7 = 8

8 = 4  9 = 8

Amazingly, each numeral (0-9) appears in the exact same pattern around the clock depending on whether it is even or odd. Starting with the 2 at the 3-minute mark and counting the spaces in between each occurrence until we reach our starting point again, we see this pattern. . .


This same pattern is repeated when starting from the 4 found at the 18-minute mark, the 6 when starting from the 48-minute mark, and the 8 when starting from the 33-minute mark. . .




Spacing = 32 digits 17 digits 2 digits 5 digits

The odd digits produced a similar pattern starting with the double 1’s

at the one-minute mark going clockwise. . .


And, starting from the double 3’s at the 47-minute mark going counter-clockwise we see this. . .


Spacing = 0 digits 5 digits 10 digits 2 digits 5 digits 12 digits 17 digits 1 digit  

This pattern repeats itself with the 9’s (clockwise) and 7’s (counter-clockwise),

when counting from the placement of their double digits as well.

These patterns reminded me of the images produced by an electrocardiograph, or a wave frequency.

2………………………….2.................2..2.....2 11…..1……….1..1…..1…………1.................1.11

It’s also interesting to ponder the possibility that the Fibonacci 60-digit repeat cycle might also represent degrees on a compass. For instance, on a typical compass there are 4 cardinal points: N, S, E and W with an additional 12 used for navigation. However, below is an image of a 32-point Rose Compass with the 32nd needle (00) pointing DUE NORTH at 0°.  The Rose Compass began to be used in ocean navigation as early as the tenth century. The first cartographer to draw a Rose Compass on a map was Abraham Cresques in his Catalan Atlas of 1375, which has been described as the most important map of the Middle ages and as "the zenith of medieval map-work”.  Interestingly enough, 1111111111111111111111110 nautical miles is equal to 1.375 astronomical units! 

Today, a form of the Rose Compass is found on, or featured in, almost all navigation systems - including nautical charts, non-directional beacons (NDB), VHF onmidirectional range (VOR) systems, and global positioning systems.  I have to ask myself, is this mere coincidence, or was it Divinely orchestrated?

As we ponder these questions, let’s take a look at another fascinating feature of this repeating cycle found at the hour hands of the clock. . .

Hour hands 12, 3, 6 & 9 are all ZEROES.

Hour hands 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 & 11 are all FIVES.

When adding the 4 digits between each hand on the clock (1 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 7 and so on. . .)

we discover that the total sum is 240.

7 + 16 + 23 + 19 + 21 + 33 + 24 + 17 + 21 + 18 + 19 = 240

When adding the 5’s together we get 40.

5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 40

240 + 40 = 280

As demonstrated John Elias’s website, this 60-digit repeat cycle displays a rather uncanny ability to return to its origin point which, as John explains, shows the numbers to be intelligent. But how do these digits know to turnover on themselves?  Or, better yet. . .how do they know that the patterns they create could be interpreted by human language and given meaning?

For example: Is it just mere coincidence that a perfect human gestation period lasts 40 weeks, which is equal to 280 days?

Reds = 70 Greens = 70 Blues = 70 Yellows = 70

70 + 70 + 70 + 70 = 280

Reds + Blues: 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 140

Greens + Yellows: 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 140

140 + 140 = 280

Another example of putting meaning to the numbers would be the number 70.

70 is the standard value of the Hebrew word “Sod” (סוד), meaning SECRET.

A “secret” is the essence of not knowing that which one has kept hidden.

“As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit,

nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child:

even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.”

Ecclesiastes 11:5

The word “secret” in Hebrew is “Seter” (סתר) [H5643] which has a standard value of 660

The 660th composite number is 800

In the Greek language, Jesus is Ιησους (Iesous) which is Strong’s number G2424

Ιησους has a isopsephy value of 888

In its 1st occurrence in pi, the three digits 888 are followed by the number 800

The numeric string 888 appears at the 4,751st decimal digit of Pi.
                ^ <-- 4,751st digit

800 is the isopsephy value of LORD (κύριος) [G2962]

The 1st occurrence of 800 in phi begins from position 143

The numeric string 800 appears at the 143rd decimal digit of the Golden Ratio (Phi).
              ^ <-- 143rd digit

The 1st 143 digits of phi following the decimal point sum to 660

Beginning from position 800 in pi are the three digits 534:

10 decimal digits of the Golden Ratio (Phi) starting from position 800: 5342777592

The first 534 digits of pi following the decimal point sum to 2368

2368 is the isopsephy value of “Jesus Christ” (Ιησους Χριστος)

“Jesus” and “Christ” appear together in 256 Bible verses: verify here.

The 1st occurrence of 800 in e begins from position 256:

10 decimal digits of E starting from position 256: 8001684774

But still, there is even more! The sum of the digits exactly opposite one another on the clock always sum to 10, which just so happens to be our base numbering system. 

The sum of the digits on the clock is 280. When splitting the clock by the position of the Earth’s axis tilt, the sum of the digits found on each half is also equal to 280.  This result does not work with any other position!

9+1+0+1+1+2+3+5+8+3+1+4+5+9+4+3+7+0+7+7+4+1+5+6+1+7+8+5+3+8 = 128

1+9+0+9+9+8+7+5+2+7+9+6+5+1+6+7+3+0+3+3+6+9+5+4+9+3+2+5+7+2 = 152

128 + 152 = 280

We use a base 10 numbering system.

The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.

152 - 128 = 24

The MASS of the Earth = 5.972 x 10(24)kg

128 / 152 = 0.8421

0.8421 cubed = .05972

.05972 x 10 = 5.972

There are 60 digits on the clock.

A circle of Earth is divided into 360 degrees.

60 x 360 = 21600

21600 / 10 = 2160

The diameter of the Moon is estimated to be 2160 miles.

As for me, I also see 216 as a representation of the Holiest of All. . .the Lord Jesus Christ!

The “Oracle” (Davir), or “Holy of Holies” (דביר),

has a standard value of 216

216 = 6 x 6 x 6

“The stone (Jesus) which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.”

The phrase “head stone of the corner” (לְרֹאשׁ פִּנָּֽה) has a standard value of 666.

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:

for it is the number of a MAN; and His number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).”

Revelation 13:18

“. . .and His number is Six hundred threescore and six” has a Greek value of 2368

καὶ ὁ ἀριθμὸς αὐτοῦ χξς (666)

70 + 31 + 430 + 1171 + 666 = 2368

2368 is the isopsephy value of “Jesus Christ” (Ιησους Χριστος),

and also “the true vine” + “the father the husbandman” from John 15:1

ἡ ἄμπελος ἡ ἀληθινή + ὁ πατήρ ὁ γεωργός

558 + 1810 = 2368

Notwithstanding. . .

The Hebrew equivalent of “for it is the number of a man and his

number is Six hundred and sixty and six” has a standard value of 3168

weses wes’esim meyah ses bemiksat hu adam mispar ki

כי מספר אדם הוא ומספרו שש מאות וששי ושש

606 + 656 + 447 + 600 + 392 + 12 + 45 + 380 + 30 = 3168

3168 is the standard Greek value of “Lord Jesus Christ”

κυριος Ιησους Χριστος

As well as the phrase “mediator between God and men” from 1 Timothy 2:5

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ.”

μεσίτης θεοῦ καὶ ἀνθρώπων

Below are the rep digits 11, 33, 77 and 99 found crisscrossing one another adjacent to the North, South, East and West positions on the clock. Here, we also find the rep digits mirror opposites 19/91 and 37/73 crisscrossing one another.  These lines appear to be mimicking the tilt of the earth as it revolves around the sun, at both the poles and the equator. . .”as a wheel in the middle of a wheel”.

11 + 99 = 110 33 + 77 = 110

37 + 73 = 110 19 + 91 = 110

66660 / 110 = 606

Beginning from position 606 in pi, phi and e respectively are the three digits 888

10 decimal digits of Pi starting from position 606: 8127145263

10 decimal digits of Phi starting from position 606: 8383126833

10 decimal digits of E starting from position 606: 8197068416

888 is the Isopsephy value of Ἰησοῦς (Jesus)!!

It is also worth mentioning here that every prime number after 2 & 5 ends in a 1, 3, 7, or 9.

On the clock, we see four sets of palindrome numbers acting as the four pillars: N, S, E and W.

Palindrome number 101 is located at the 12-hand,

707 at the 3-hand, 909 is at the 6-hand, and 303 is at the 9-hand.

101 + 909 = 1010

303 + 707 = 1010

1010 + 1010 = 2020

2020 is the isopsephy value of “after the order of Melchisedec” in Greek. . .

κατὰ τὴν τάξιν Μελχισέδεκ

1010 + 2020 = 3030

3030 is the isopsephy value of “The Son of Man”

ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου

Proverbs 30:4 asks some very good questions about this Son of Man,

the questions and answers of which share the same numeric values. . .

6, 60, 660, 6660 & 66660

6 is the isopsephy of “ABBA” (Ἀββᾶ) [G5], meaning: FATHER

The Father has chosen a peculiar people unto Himself. . .earthen vessels who will do all His will.

The Hebrew word for VESSEL is “Keliy” (כּלי) [H3627], which has a standard value of 60

The 15th letter (סָ) of the Hebrew alphabet is “Samek”, which also has a numeric value of 60

In ancient Hebrew script, the letter “Samek” was drawn as a PILLAR upholding three beams.

“Samek” (סָמֶךְ), meaning: TO UPHOLD, SUPPORT has a standard value of 120

“Him that overcometh will I make a PILLAR in the temple of my God,

and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God,

and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem,

which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him MY NEW NAME.”

The Hebrew word for PILLAR is “Ammud” (עמּוּד) [H5982], which has a standard value of 120

The Greek word for PILLAR is “Stulos” (στύλος) [G4769], which has an isopsephy value of 1200

"In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt,

and a PILLAR at the border thereof to the LORD."

Isaiah 19:19 

In Ezekiel 10:10, Ezekiel has been taken to Heaven where he is shown four creatures having one likeness “as a wheel in the middle of a wheel”.  Galgal (גּלגּל) is the Hebrew word for WHEEL which just so happens to have a standard Hebrew value of 66. When writing גּלגּל in English, we see lglg, which can be interpreted as 1919.

1919 + 9191 = 11110

11110 x 6 = 66660

H6666 = Tzadeqah, meaning: RIGHTNESS, or RIGHTEOUSNESS

Interestingly enough, when adding the four digits segments opposite of one other on the clock, each of the sums is 11110, going both forward and backward (segments shown below). One half + one half of the LaGrangian ring sums to 1111111111111111111111110. Mere coincidence?

1111111111111111111111110 / 11110= 100,010,001,000,100,010,001

In binary code, 100010001000100010001 = 1118481

1118 is the standard value of the Shema. . .

“Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord.”

שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָד

481 is the standard value of “The Voice of the Almighty God”

קוֹל אֵל־שַׁדַּי

kol el-saday

“And the SOUND of the cherubims' wings was heard even to the outer court,

as the VOICE of the Almighty God when he speaketh.”

Ezekiel 10:5

“And God SAID, Let there be light and there was light.”

The Son of Man

When multiplying the four digits in between each hand

on the clock, we see the lowest sum is 6.

1 x 1 x 2 x 3 = 6

All of the other sums are divisible by 6 except for the three digits 196.

The exact phrases “Jesus Christ” and “Son of Man appear 196 in the Bible (KJV) each.

Additionally, the English phrase “The Word of the Lord” has an ordinal value of 196.

Job 14:14 says. . .

“If a man die, shall he live again?

All the days of my appointed time will I wait,

till my change come.”

14 x 14 = 196

Notably, there are three sets of sums that appear twice in the outer circle: 126, 216 & 756.

(126 x 2) + (216 x 2) + (756 x 2) = 2196

In its first occurrence in phi, the four digits 2196 begin from position 930
           ^ <-- 930 digit

Matthew chapter 1 is the 930th chapter of the Bible. . .

the first chapter where Jesus Christ, the Son of Man appears in the flesh.

Also notable are the factors of 216 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24, 27, 36, 54, 72, 108. When we multiply these factors by 10, we find that many of the sums appear in Lucien Khan’s work - especially that of the Metatron Cube (Star of David) and the Seed of Life diagrams: 90, 120, 180, 240, 360, 540, 720, 1080 & 2160, as well as that of Jain 108.

I have to keep asking myself. . .What are the odds of this? What are the odds that any of this should be so perfectly aligned? Did the universe come into existence by some random “big bang”, or was it wonderfully spoken into existence by the very Breath of an Omnipotent God? Are the numbers intelligent, or is this mere coincidence? If the numbers are indeed intelligent, then what (or more correctly, Who) is the source of that intellect? Do numerals and human languages communicate with one another? If so, how do numerals know to utilize the infinite strings of Pi, Phi and E to interpret language? And what. . .if anything, are these numbers trying to teach us about time and space in relation to The Creator?  Perhaps the Book of Revelation can lend us a hand. . .

“Grace be unto you, and peace, from Him which is,

and which was, and which is to come.”

Revelation 1:4

It seems to me that in the realm of the Spirit, past, present, and future co-exist.  It is when we are "high and lifted up" in the throne realm that we are given the ability to see the past, the present, and the future all at once.  Where our Lord is mentioned in the Book of Revelation, He is spoken of as He who is, He who was, and He who is to come — meaning that when we leave this earthly realm, we transcend time as we know it.  Planet earth is but the tiniest of specks in the eye of God’s infinite greatness - a virtual reality stage upon which man lives out his natural life.  The five senses manipulate us into believing that what we see, hear, feel, taste, and touch are real — but what if all that you see and touch and feel are not real - in fact, what if they are not realities at all?!  The way I see it, they are merely a passing phenomenon - a vapor.  Psalm 62 speaks of this, saying. . .”The low born are only a breath.  The high born, a lie.  When they are weighed, they are only a breath and like vain hope, they die.” 

In my journey from the natural to the spiritual realm I've learned that were it not for a power beyond the things we see, none of them would exist. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Hebrews 11:1-3). That which we perceive as reality is temporary and passing and has been established out of something eternal that your eye cannot see!  "Wherefore henceforth we know no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more" (2 Corinthians 5:16).  If we want to walk with God we must be willing to jump out of the boat of the five senses and learn how to let our spirit gravitate into WHAT God is, and then bring it back down into this earth until it takes on His LIFE. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1:8).  Isn't that awesome!!!!

You see, every time Jesus is mentioned in this Book, He is never mentioned in just the past, nor just the present, nor just in the future.  No! every time we meet Jesus in the Book of Revelation it is the Jesus who is, and who was, and who is to come. . .and, the reason for this is that Revelation is the ONLY book which gives us a view of the kingdom of God from the divine perspective — as God views it.  The Lord which is, and which was, and which is to come is God expressed in the dimension of TIME.  This is not talking about the eternal Lord who is without beginning or end (for He most certainly is the Eternal One!), but the verbs “was”, “is” and “to come” relate to TIME.  Was, is, and is to come are all TIME expressions.  TIME is a closed loop!  You will not find this Lord who is, and was, and is to come, in eternity!  This is the God of the ages revealed in a unique Lordship within those ages!  A concept we must grasp in order to understand God’s plan of the ages is that time consists of past, present, and future just as man is created having youth, middle age, and old age.  You cannot smell, touch, or feel time, but it is there, ever-present, always marching into the future.  When time was created, it had a beginning - likewise, it shall have an end. This Lord who is, and who was, and who is to come, is the beginning and the end.  He is the Alpha and Omega of man as he travels through this realm of sin and death on his way to the eternal.  "For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in the earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist” (Colossians 1:16-17).  Before the creation of the universe, there was no time; at the end of the ages when the present material universe is dissolved and replaced by a new, spiritual universe, time as we know it shall cease to exist.  It will be swallowed up into eternity, just as all death will be swallowed up into victory, and there shall be no more no more time and no more death!  This Lord who is, and who was, and who is to come, is the Lord we meet in this dimension of time and space, though He, Himself, be Eternal.

The Bible provides very little regarding the definition of the word "eternity" because it was written for man who lives in a temporal state and who is not yet a totally eternal being.  Only as we enter that state of being called eternal - let me rephrase that - only as Jesus who IS ETERNITY becomes “All-in-all” within us thus allowing eternity to become an absolute reality to us. . . only then will formerly temporal beings such as we now are, truly comprehend and understand eternity and things of an eternal nature.  This marvelous work has now begun within our spirit as our spirit has been quickened by God’s Spirit!  Like I said, the Bible is relatively silent about what eternity is - not to say that human teachings and theology haven’t taught us a great deal about this subject, but the problem is that much of it over the past centuries has come from the carnal minds of Babylonish theologians and not from the mind of the Eternal One via the Holy Spirit.  

Eternity is a state of absolute timelessness, not of unending time.  Eternity is a state of being without change, fluctuation or progression, resident in the very nature and person of God in which such concepts as past, present, future, before, after, change, transition, growth, birth, death, beginning, end, etc., do not exist.  Do you see?  Time is not a “part” of eternity.  Eternity is not composed of segments of time.  Eternity is not time standing still.  It is simply not time at all!  Eternity doesn’t go on and on and on, ad infinitum.  Eternity doesn’t go anywhere, nor does it do anything.  Eternity simply IS.  It is just a glorious experience of BEING!  Eternity simply IS, just as God simply IS.  Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58) — not “Before Abraham was, I WAS.”  There are no past or future tenses in eternity.  There is only one eternal NOW!  Only One All Encompassing and Eternal God!  Our forever faithful Lord. . . J E S U S  C H R I S T.

Closing Remarks

I'm not big on television or movies but did watch a rather mind-bending movie the other night called ARRIVAL, which is based on the development of languages using math and science, and how language, when presented as semasiographic images, can be learned by mapping them onto graphs. In the movie, twelve alien spacecrafts come to earth and strategically position themselves around the globe. Each country then assembles a team of linguists, scientist and mathematicians to try and figure out why the aliens are here. At his first briefing in the US state of Montana, a physicist named Ian Donnelly asks the following question, "Have they responded to anything?  Shapes, patterns, numbers, Fibonacci?"  That very second, I knew this film would keep me on the edge of my seat!

Anyway. . .so, the squid-like aliens inside the spacecrafts are called “Heptapods” which comes from the Greek words “Hepta” (ἑπτά) meaning SEVEN, and “Poderes” (ποδήρης) meaning FOOT. The two parts of the Heptapodic language are: A) spoken language, and B) semasiography. A Heptapods written language has no forward or backward direction, which linguists refer to as “nonlinear orthography”.  Nonlinear orthography is like using two hands to write a sentence.  You would have to know each word you want to use as well as how much space they would occupy as you begin to write from both ends toward the center.

In short, orthography can be viewed as a set of rules by which a language is written, including spelling and punctuation. English is linear orthography because we read it from left to right, and there are clear rules about when a word or sentence begins and ends.

The alien language of the Heptapods is nonlinear, written in circular, smoke-like puffs of ink that have no beginning or ending. Information at the end of a sentence is known at the beginning, because they both exist at the same timeThe entirety of the thought or sentiment is experienced at once, not in a progressive order. Sort of the way we experience ourselves while in the presence of God and cannot tell if it’s the beginning of ourselves that we see, or the end. . .we just are. . .like seeing the beginning and ending of time and space simultaneously.

Only here - in this repeat cycle, we are speaking the language of numbers and how they relate to the spoken word.

I know the movie is fictional, but I can’t help thinking that the Heptapodic language sounds a lot like what we are seeing with the sums in the 60-Digit Repeat Cycle, which have completely different numeric arrangements (like the spelling of words) yet are numerically identical going both forward and backward. In theory, this repeating cycle is a form of a non-linear orthographic language which could ultimately help us understand the inner workings of the many mysteries and purposes of God, including the creation of not only our very own galaxy, but the entire Universe.

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