The Spirit of Prophecy

Prophecy is a Voice — the voice of God’s Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is three things: Prophet, Priest and King. Prophets speak, priests reconcile, and kings rule. Prophecy is the word of God. . .not merely a foretelling, but a forth-telling.

The Prophetic Voice

Every prophet that has been sent into this world has had upon him an anointing of the spirit of prophecy, or prophetic spirit which led him and revealed certain matters to him. Other men have been anointed by the Holy Spirit as kings, priests, warriors, artisans, and various other callings. . .each having had his particular and unique area of anointing by the moving and enablement of the Holy Spirit. Today, the Sons of God are receiving the fullness of that prophetic spirit by which the Lord is making known to us the great and mighty things that pertain to this glorious Day of the Lord! We speak not of the "gift of prophecy" which is of the in-part realm of the passing church order but of a prophetic voice in every generation that proclaimed the Present Truth for that day.

The prophetic voice speaking today does not carry the same message as what the prophetic voice spoke in the days of Noah, Moses, Samuel, David, Isaiah, the early church, the reformation, the Pentecostal outpouring of the 20th century, or the coming of Christ as Latter Rain in 1948. There was a different word from the Lord in each generation and at each stage of God’s dealings with His people. We don’t need to hear the same message Noah heard. The Lord is not sending a flood today. The instructions God gave David are not for us today. We don’t need to drive out the Philistines or capture Jerusalem from the Jebusites. What the Lord was saying to His people a hundred years ago is not what He is saying or doing today. To hear what the Spirit is saying unto the churches is a flowing, living reality, not a doctrinal statement set in concrete. Every church denomination has its written "Articles of Faith," but those are merely the record of what the Spirit was saying to the church, not what the Spirit is saying.

The prophetic voice speaking out of God’s Sons today is not speaking the same things nor in the same way as the prophetic ministry we have known in the past. The prophets of this New Day are not prophesying about the mundane things of our lives - whether we should live here, or move there; hold this job, or that job; marry this man or woman, or remain single; go to this church, or the other church; be a Sunday School teacher, deacon, pastor or apostle; fulfill this or that ministry. That is how we have known the prophetic ministry in the past and we have all been blessed out of that realm as our ministries have been confirmed and the will of the Lord made known to us. I do not say that the Spirit cannot or will not still speak in that way, but it should be evident that the voice of the Lord in the midst of His elect is concerned with higher things of this Day. God is doing a deeper work in the lives of His called out and chosen ones in this hour!

What the Spirit is Saying Today

All across this great land of ours, and around the world among every tongue, people, tribe and nation, the Spirit is bearing witness to God’s ultimate purpose as He prepares for His master stroke as the curtain rises on creation’s greatest drama — THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD! Those prepared for sonship in this Day are past all the little baby steps of the church systems and are now growing up into the fullness of Christ! Praise His name, once the finishing touch is put on the last stone of His living temple of Kings and Priests, the firstfruits of His redemption, we shall step over into our full redemption in spirit, soul and body! In this new age and in the glorious ages yet to come, God shall put His grace and kindness and wisdom and righteousness and power on display through His sons so that the entire creation may walk across the stage of His cosmic theater and behold and see and come to understand and appreciate what God has provided for all men in Christ!

This is what the Spirit is saying to the called out in this Great Day of the Lord! Our ears have heard the sound of the trumpet, and we cannot, dare not, settle for anything less! We must follow on to know the Lord in all His glorious fullness, to put on the mind of Christ, to be transformed into His image, to drink deeply of His incorruptible life, to overcome all things, so that we may in turn be the manifestation of Himself unto all mankind. Let us not sell creation short in these days! All creation is travailing and groaning together in pain to be delivered from the bondage of corruption. Let us not deny the Lord who has purchased us to be kings and priests to reign over the earth by settling for something less, a comfortable position in the church realm, or a mansion over the hilltop. While we seek no glory of our own, there is, nevertheless, great wealth and heavenly glory for all who fulfill the will of God in His kingdom!

The Power of His Word

When Christ Jesus appeared in person. . .His sermons, His miracles, and every detail of His marvelous life were a living prophecy and prophetic parable of the glory of the Kingdom age to come. When His disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray, He said, "When ye pray, say ‘Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is done in heaven. . . for Thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen’." Unlike anything taught in the church today, the entire dispensation of grace has been set aside for the sole purpose of calling out a people for His Name’s sake and not in the vain hope of converting as many sinners as possible before “the rapture” takes place. These called out and elect saints who have been in preparation for two thousand years, are the Body of Christ. . .those Sons whom God has chosen and ordained to sit with Him in His throne. They are the fullness of Him who fills the universe with Himself, yet in the blindness of church tradition, preachers have taught the people that the hope of creation is “to die and go to heaven”, or to escape an “end times” tribulation by way of a “rapture”, yet anyone studying God's word with care will find that “going to heaven” is not a theme of the Old Testament, nor is it THE theme of the New Testament. In fact, there is a noticeable absence of any such teaching in all the Scriptures. However, we do find that the theme of both the Old and New Testaments is THE KINGDOM OF GOD, a Kingdom which is as literal as that of Nebuchadnezzar or Caesar. . .only His Kingdom will not be a carnal one, but a spiritual one; not mortal, but immortal; not passing, but permanent; not of time, but of eternity. . .a Kingdom within.

Contrary to popular belief. . .the sharp, two-edged Sword of Jesus WILL NOT be stained with the blood of His enemies, but with TRANSFORMING POWER will the Sword of His Mouth smite the nations; NOT in the bloody conflict and seething hate of war, but bringing all of mankind to repentance and the joy of salvation through the Power of His Word! He will pierce the conscience of the people and cause them to cry, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?!" His second coming will follow the time referred to as “the latter rain”, and the whole earth will feel the Glory and Power of Christ and His brethren, the Sons of God. The lame will leap as the hart. The deaf will hear the music of redemption. The tongue of the dumb shall sing the praises of the Lamb that sitteth upon the throne. The wolf will lie down with the lamb in peace & friendship and the knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth with everlasting joy. Amen!

“For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is His name;

and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel;

The God of the whole earth shall He be called. . .”


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