The Great Awakening

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. . .” (Revelation 1:1-2). “And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. . .” (Revelation 19:10). Both Rotherham and the Emphatic Diaglott translate the Greek as saying, "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of this prophecy." The fact that it reads "this prophecy" instead of merely "prophecy" indicates that there is, above all else, a special relationship between the spirit of Christ and the words found in the Book of Revelation.

The Revealing of Jesus

The ministers of God are not meant to be soothsayers but truth-sayers. They are not called to predict all the changing events in the kingdoms of this world, nor to herald a future antichrist, but to proclaim the ETERNAL AND PRESENT CHRIST! The Book of Revelation is not intended to teach world events. It is intended to teach the purposes of God as spiritual realities! Men have put so much stress on outward things, so much carnalizing of the word of God, that when we read the scriptures, we often times overlook the real truth the Spirit is speaking to us. The Book of Revelation IS NOT and never was an account of the unveiling of a singular ANTICHRIST, nor a singular BEAST, nor a singular FALSE PROPHET, nor a singular DRAGON - nor has it anything whatsoever to do with a secret RAPTURE, a THIRD WORLD WAR, or a supposed seven-year TRIBULATION according to Daniel’s 70th week prophecy! ALL men are born with the spirit of Antichrist - which is enmity toward God - our fallen natures are the Beast - the False Prophet is the entirety of the church system created out from the carnal minds of unspiritual men - the Dragon is a world system of evil: civil, social, and religious institutions whose sole purpose is to keep mankind in bondage to a false sense of “self”.

All Chrsitians fall under one of two categories - one group is completely baffled when it comes to the Book of Revelation and so they ignore it all together; while the second group seeks to find meaning in it through either historical or future events. Admittedly, many of us were once among those who possessed the latter, "apocalyptic mentality." By that term I mean having a mind-set that is always looking for the "end" of the age with great cataclysmic upheavals and tremendous earth-shaking events. . .kingdoms falling, economies crashing, nuclear warfare erupting, and all those violent, catastrophic happenings that are supposed to take place in the world at the end of time. That is what we were expecting! We watched the Soviet Union, we watched events in the Middle East, we watched the stock market, because if crashed, we felt the "end" was certainly upon us! We were concerned about a one world government, invasion of the United States, the Illuminati, and a thousand other earthly things. But God delivered us from that apocalyptic mentality! He showed us clearly and powerfully that it was founded upon a web of lies! It was rooted in the spirit of fear! Its origin was right in the hallways of the Great Whore. . .Mystery Babylon!

What we learned from our experience is that it takes the same power of God to deliver one from that spirit of delusion that it takes to deliver one from any other demon. You see, every nation on earth has already experienced economic collapse at some time, including ours. Every nation has had war and destruction. The terrorist attack on the United States in 2001 was indeed horrible, but not even to be compared to the horrors visited upon Europe and Japan in the Second World War. Great empires have risen and fallen throughout history, and none of them heralded the end of time. Plagues, pestilence, earthquakes, storms, and disasters of many kinds have killed millions of people in hundreds of nations and devastated whole civilizations, but none ever brought the end of the world. All of those things have been happening out there in the external world since the beginning of time, but let me tell you, none of them have anything whatever to do with the coming of the kingdom of God! Only the nature of the Father formed in His elect, only the full measure of the stature of Christ formed in God’s New Creation Man, only the power of God upon His people, only the glory of God in His manifested sons, will signal the hour of transition into the greater glory of the kingdom of God upon the nations of earth.

Let us consider this important question: Where does Jesus say He will receive us to? "I will come again and receive you unto MYSELF." To understand the deep meaning of this significant statement we must see by the spirit of wisdom and revelation WHERE CHRIST IS. The Lord has never anywhere promised to carry us off to a beautiful land or distant galaxy, but in the tenderest tones He assures us that He is Himself the WAY TO THE FATHER. "I am the WAY. . .no man COMETH UNTO THE FATHER, but by Me." That’s it! That is where we are going! We are on a journey back to the Father, and JESUS IS THE WAY! The WAY is not a route through the earth’s oceans, nor the Milky Way, the WAY is a PERSON! And the DESTINATION is likewise a PERSON. "No man cometh unto the FATHER, but by ME." It is IN CHRIST that we are enabled to enter into intimate relationship and vital union with the Father.

Each and every son of God had his beginning in God and existed in Christ before time began - before ever we came to this earth to be perfected by the knowledge of good and evil, knowing both by experience and suffering. Our coming into this dark realm was with the purpose that through the desperate furnace of trials, suffering, and experience in this shadowy land of sin and death, we should come to the knowledge of good and evil, fully overcoming in it, to stand at last before our Father in a perfection and power like unto His own. God did not desire untested children who were like Him apart from the wisdom, understanding, righteousness and nobility of character that come by experience. There is no other way! We were sons of God even then, but nothing of the dimension we shall be when our salvation is complete, for we are being transformed into the image and likeness of the firstborn Son who is the Prince and Captain of our salvation. Of Him it is written that He was made perfect through suffering, and being made perfect, He became the author of eternal salvation, called of God an high priest after the order of Melchizedek.

When each of God’s sons is born into this world there is encoded in the depths of our spirit the secret knowledge of why we are here and what path the Father has marked out for us in our journey through this realm. Only by the quickening and enlightenment of the blessed spirit of truth within us, is this dark veil of the conscious mind pulled apart so that the hidden understanding of the deep things of God may spring out of the most holy place of our spirit. We think of it as a new and glorious revelation — but all divine revelation is but a REMEMBERING! That secret knowledge of heavenly things, which were given to us in Christ before the foundation of the world, is called THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST! It is the same divine knowledge that is written in code in the visions of John on Patmos! And this information, this sacred secret, is also encoded within our spirit — we are "knowing again" the revelation of God’s Christ!

Today, the mind of Christ is being imparted to God’s elect in greater fullness than ever before! By the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the glorious mind of Christ we are beginning to see all things as they really are. We are now seeing new things, a new heaven and a new earth! This holy knowledge comes not by any outward observation, but by the mighty working of God in our lives. This is a mighty transition for the body of Christ, as I trust it is the reality of all who read these lines. Christ is revealing Himself, His mind, His heart, His glory and His purpose in the midst of His chosen ones. We have heard the witness of this from thousands of saints all over the world! There are many groups with whom we have no direct connection that are now speaking these same things! None of us were taught by man, we held no council to agree on doctrine or formulate a teaching, nor did we receive it by reading one another’s writings or attending gatherings, meetings or conventions. It is the sovereign work of God among those who have been called and separated unto God in this new kingdom Day!

Blessed is he that readeth. . . .blessed is he that by

reading knows again (anaginosko) the words of this prophecy!

Understanding the Book of Revelation SPIRITUALLY is the only view by which you can interpret the book by the Bible. Every other view requires one to understand history, geography, politics or world events; and to have access to Newsweek, Time, USA Today or CNN in order to compare contemporary happenings with the symbolisms of the book. The book explains itself, and we do not hesitate to tell you that this is the ONLY view that makes the book relative to our spiritual life today as well as to the spiritual life of the saints of every generation! It is the ONLY view that makes the book relative to anyone, anywhere, at anytime who reads or hears the prophecy of this book and keeps the things that are written therein (Revelation 1:3).

Yet, there is a kind of illiteracy that has a profound impact on our comprehension of reality called SPIRITUAL ILLITERACY — that is, the inability to read — to perceive and understand the language of the Spirit, the realities of the spiritual world! When we lack this ability to make sense of spiritual truth, we are left trying to interpret spiritual realities from the ignorant, limited, and distorted perspective of the carnal mind — natural reasoning and human understanding. The world and the church today are literally filled and overflowing with SPIRITUAL ILLITERATES! Oh, they can read with their human ability. They understand with the carnal mind, the Adamic intellect. But when the beloved John says, "Blessed is he that readeth," he doesn’t mean that every unregenerated sinner and every carnal Christian who picks up the book of Revelation and peruses its pages is blessed thereby!

"The time is at hand" for all who come into an experiential revelation of Jesus Christ! When the unveiling of Jesus Christ within us becomes the power of our life, the book of Revelation becomes a NOW book! Every other view makes the Revelation either a past book, or a future book. Let every child of God know for a certainty that it is now, IN OUR TODAY, that we are experiencing the unveiling of Jesus Christ! While it is true that here is no greater truth in the whole of the universe than this - that the future is bound up in the past - a man’s belief concerning his origin will inevitably determine his belief about his purpose on earth and his eternal destiny. Even so, when studying the book of Revelation, we will not be helped one iota SPITITUALLY by an understanding of what Titus did to Jerusalem in A.D. 70, or what the Muslims did in the eighth century, or by what the Pope did during the middle-ages, or by what some future antichrist will do after the church has gone to heaven.

The hope and promise and power and glory of the Kingdom of God is more clear and focused in our spirits today than at any time in the past! The earnest expectation of the manifestation of the sons of God burns more brightly in our hearts now than it ever has! We rejoice that this is the DAY of the manifestation when Christ with His body shall see the triumph of His life within, bringing blessing, life, light, love and full and complete deliverance to all mankind! This is the Present Truth. This is what the Spirit is saying to the overcomers in this great hour! Great and glorious things are at hand! THIS IS THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST!

Mystery Babylon

Armageddon is first and foremost a spiritual war waged against the powers of darkness which rule the carnal mind of men. Like the serpent in the garden who deceived Eve, this little serpent has grown into a monstrous Dragon FULL of every abomination under the sun! But, let the heart of every faithful pilgrim be assured - though the world is full of civil, social, and religious sects of every kind which blind men to truth and obscure that holy virgin thing which Christ called "My church". . .HIS Church is in the earth, untouched, unsullied, and undefiled, a pure virgin church to be presented to Him without spot and without blemish (Ephesians 5:27). THAT church is not and never was a denomination, nor is it a sect of any kind. ITS members have shown repentance toward God and faith toward His Son. THEIR souls are washed in the blood of Christ. IN ONE SPIRIT, even the Holy Spirit, they have been baptized into one body and that one body is the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:4-6). HIS church is as pure a virgin as Christ Himself. As Christ was born of a virgin undefiled and untouched by the powers of human organization or procreation, so also is the virgin church. His church is not incorporated with the world system. It cannot possibly be - for the names of its members are written only in heaven, even in the Lamb's book of life, founded long before the foundation of the world! The moment a man repents of his sin and believes on Christ for the salvation of his soul, he becomes a member of the true church, the tabernacle which God pitched and not man, the church, the house not made with hands, which is His body; but the moment a child of God allies himself with one of earth's harlot systems, he begins to lose sight of the true and heavenly tabernacle which God pitched, his eyes beholding the false church pitched by man. No longer does he remain a chaste virgin for Christ, walking in the purity and light of his heavenly citizenship, but, having hearkened to the charming voice of one of Babylon's harlot daughters, he embraces another bosom that will rob him of his first love, wither his experience, close his spiritual eyes, and make him a citizen of Babylon instead of a citizen of heaven.

It was of this harlot woman (Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots) that Solomon wrote this mysterious prophetic parable: "For at the window of my house I (the person outside the church system who is observing its workings) looked through my casement, and beheld among the simple ones (people who blindly follow after the leadership of carnal men); I discerned among the youths, a young man void of (spiritual) understanding, passing through the street near her corner (Is it not said of our nation, “there is a church on every corner”?); and he went the way to her house, in the twilight, and in the evening, in the black and dark night (at the appointed times). And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot (like a wolf in sheep’s clothing), and subtil of heart (“Now, THE SERPENT was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.”). She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house: Now she is without, now in the streets (evangelizing), and lieth in wait at every corner. So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said unto him, I have peace offerings with me (appearing as an innocent lamb but speaking as a dragon, Revelation 13:11); this day have I paid my vows. Therefore came I forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee. I have decked my bed (the church interior) with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt (the world). I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon (the embalming spices for the dead). Come, let us take our fill of love (festivities and traditions of men) until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves. For the good man (Christ) is not at home; he is gone on a long journey (He has been with the Father in Heaven for 2,000 years they say!): He hath taken a bag of money (our inheritance) with him and will come home at the day appointed. (Do not the churches teach that His Kingdom has been put off until He returns?) With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him (“I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints”, Revelation 17:6). He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks; till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life" (Proverbs 7:6-23). How could divine inspiration give a better portrait of those harlot, denominational systems who are wedded to the state, and who coax the young converts to their steepled houses with glowing promises of food, fun, fellowship and opportunity but who in reality displace the love and the purpose of God with a false love, a false purpose, a false system, and a false christ?!

A quick study of the word "Armageddon" shows us that it appears only one time in all the Bible (Revelation 16:16). It simply means "the mound of Megiddo". Megiddo [H4023], means “place of crowds”, although its root word gadad [H1413] means “to penetrate, cut, attack, invade”. There, at Megiddo, we find the kings of the earth (the Testimony is “from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father”) have been gathered together under the sixth vial or plague, "to the battle of that Great Day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief". The battle of Armageddon, then, is the battle of the Great Day of the Lord, which comes as a thief upon an unsuspecting world and a sleeping church. By this we are to understand that the sleeping church will recognize neither the war of Armageddon, nor the day which it ushers in. A thief comes while people sleep. . .he is unheralded and unsuspected and unrecognized. He blows no trumpet of warning: nor does he want fanfare. He works in secret and by stealth. Then when the morning comes and the sleepers awake, they learn of their loss. . .but too late. The thief has gone, and with him their treasures. Thus the Spirit conveys to us that the Great Day of the Lord, or the Kingdom Age which is ushered in by the battle of Armageddon, comes to ruin an unsuspecting world order and a faithless church system (Mystery Babylon); for, while this Great Day of God begins as an hour of triumph and victory and freedom from bondage and fears for God's elect, yea, and for all the meek of the earth, yet for the faithless and unbelieving it is the very opposite. For them it is "a day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the dawn spread upon the mountains" (Joel 2:2).

Woe to us that we live in a day when man and his systems of religion are everywhere exalted. . .the faces of the world’s renowned smiling out condescendingly from the multitude of internet pages and social media, while testimonials exalt their prowess as miracle workers and environmentalists who proclaim their great missionary work, and their programs for “the good of mankind”! Everywhere we go we hear men talking of this great ministry and that great ministry, lifting up to public gaze this renowned man and that remarkable woman, but yet we hear no talk of how wonderful Christ is, that Son of God, who said, “And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto ME (John 12:32). Somewhere along the line they have lost Him in the crowd, and like Joseph and Mary they have gone on without Him, but, if they would retrace their steps, they would find Him sitting among the devout, answering questions and attending to His Father's business. . .”Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is His name;

and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel;

The God of the whole earth shall He be called. . .


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