The Normal Christian Life

by Watchman Nee

Watchman Nee, a.k.a. Ni Tuosheng, or Nee T'o-sheng (Nov 4, 1903 – May 30, 1972), was a Chinese church leader and Christian teacher who ministered in China during the 20th century. Nee’s grandfather was a gifted Anglican preacher who undoubtedly influenced Nee’s childhood attendance at American-staffed Methodist mission schools. In his early adulthood years, Nee was heavily influenced by his encounters with the Plymouth Brethren.

In 1922, Nee hosted a church meeting in the city of Fuzhou, that many consider the foundation of the local churches in China. During his thirty years of ministry, Nee published many books expounding upon the Word of God as he traveled throughout China, planting churches and training Bible students to be stewards of the Word. Following the Communist Revolution, Nee was persecuted and imprisoned for his faith and spent the last twenty years of his life in prison.

The Normal Christian Life was first presented as a series of messages to Christian workers who were gathered in Denmark for special meetings in 1938 and 1939. Theodore Austin-Sparks then published these messages chapter by chapter in the bi-monthly magazine A Witness and A Testimony. They were later published as a book by Witness and Testimony Publishers in August 1945.

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